Kaori Daikoku

Vital Statistics

Name: Kaori Daikoku
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): It's Fast or It's Free
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Kaori Daikoku is the heir to the Daikoku school of Delivery Martial arts, not only of the school itself but also of the luxurious estate where the school was located.

Kaori is also suppposedly one of Ranma's fiancees. This came to be mainly because of Ranma's father Genma. One day long ago, as Genma and a starving baby Ranma were wandering in the wilderness, desperate for food, they had the good fortune to stumble upon a man about to have a big meal, who would later be identified as Kaori's father.

Willing to do anything for a free meal, Genma quickly traded the baby Ranma to Kaori's father (who was going to engage the two babies afterwards) for rice and two pickles. However, Genma's trickster talents served him well as he was able to steal baby Ranma back from under Kaori's father's watchful eye.

Many years later, in the present, Kaori's father finally found Ranma, at the Tendo dojo, and he quickly renewed their "engagement". Kaori quickly challenged Ranma's "official" fiancee Akane to a duel in the local Martial Arts Takeout Race. Kaori proved to be every bit as worthy of the title of being the heir to the Daikoku school, as she crippled and nearly killed Akane. It was only with the help of female Ranma that Akane was able to win and keep her engagement to Ranma secure with the Tendos.

Personality: Though seemingly quiet, Kaori is actually very determined and even a little arrogant at her gifted ability in Martial Arts takeout. Her shy exterior hides her deadly skill and she is willing to do anything to win her battles.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez